Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Talk about a biohazard

Brent and I made it to Austin safely. So far all I have been doing is trying to make our apartment livable.

Brent was vacuuming last night and came upon something hard and heavy. Too heavy to get sucked into the vacuum. He looked more closely, and it was a TOOTH!

No, not some wimpy, reabsorbed deciduous tooth. It was a fully-formed adult molar! By the look of the anatomy, I'd say it was a mandibular first molar. Good thing he didn't touch it.

I accidentally kept a box of gloves from when I took my clinical boards. This box has been my saving grace.

To get the whole story, log onto my blog here to your left. So gross!

Hope all is well with my 13 ladies!

Love, Lacey


Class of 2008 said...

YUCK! That is disgusting!
