Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I'm is a miracle!

So... thanks to Heather for the tips on how to be cool. Now I am writing my own post. How cool is that?

Haha... so those of you who have facebook already know, but I am leaving on my mission in 2 weeks exactly from today. WOWIE ZOWIE!!! I have had nervous feelings that is true, but not right now. I am ready to go... well... not literallly, but mentally I am. I am very excited. I love sharing the gospel. If you have any desire you are welcome to come here me speak or come to my house... just let me know
(471-9507 or and I can get you the details.

Like Kim 2 (S) said... Africa was a delight of a lifetime. I know though that many of you would have been better instructors and clinical instructors than I was. The Ghanian girls are very very excited to come in come fall and they have asked us to pray for them to get their visas. Oh my... they are so great. I can't wait for you all to meet them. I wish that I were going to be here. Take good care of them for me when they come out.

PS... really good news from me... I sold my car yesterday so now I can pay off some Africa loans and go on a mission!! yay!!

PPS... I love you all and hope to hear more about your lives and how the job search or the actual jobs are going for you!


Lacey said...

Way to post, Lisa! I hope all the other blogging strangers will follow suit. I am ever-so-excited for your wonderful mission. You are going to bring so much good to the people of Canada. I'm glad you had such a delightful time in Ghana. I'm totally out of the loop. When are they coming to Utah? What are they going to do while they are there?

Class of 2008 said...

Hooray Lisa! You did it!
I'm so excited for you and your mission. That's going to be an adventure for you!


Class of 2008 said...

Good job with your first post! I am so excited for you to go on your mission! I would love to come and hear you speak! That's always fun. I am glad you guys had a great time in Ghana. I will be emailing you soon so I can get the details on the farewell!


Streett's said...

Lisa! I am so excited for you! I totally wish I could come hear you speak! Canada doesn't even know how lucky they are! Good luck, I know you will be awesome!
And if anyone gets time I would love to hear more about Ghana and the girls there!

Class of 2008 said...

Thank you girls for being excited for me. I love it!

The Ghanian girls are supposedly coming out in September for one month. They will be in our clinic at times but really that is all that I know. Kristen M. knows much more of course.

Kylee--what do you want to know about Ghana? It was beautiful, the people were the most welcoming people in the world, it was very adventurous, I got sick... but I loved it sooo much. The students are hilarious and so much fun to be with.... except I don't think there was one time they were all actually there at the same time... they missed classes and lectures a lot. haha... but they learned. it was great!

Class of 2008 said...

Ok so reading all of these comments literally brought tears to my eyes. I don't know why I'm getting so emotional but I miss all of you so much! I can't believe that we won't be back together for school in August. Don't get me wrong I'm thrilled about that but also a little sad. Ok just want to say I love and miss you all!
Kim S