Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Year Already?!

So the other day while at the gym, I ran into one of the "seniors" from the hygiene program at UVSC. I asked her how things were going and how studying for boards is coming along...needless to say I am SO glad that that part of my life is over. I look back and honestly wonder how I survived and kept my sanity! I can't believe that it's already been a year since I was in hell. Anyway...just feeling nostalgic I guess and wanted to post how happy I am to be done and making money!

-Kim H.

P.S. Ryan and I just bought a condo in Pleasant Grove and the next hygiene party will have to be at my place...obviously when it's all fixed up! :) Miss you all!


Ian and Kristin said...

I am so glad that's over! I was just talking with my little sister and they are taking boards tomorrow. Good luck to them! I never have to do that again!

Class of 2008 said...

I finally wasn't too lazy to sign in! I'm glad we are all out of school, too! That sucked last year. Hooray for making money!


Class of 2008 said...

Yes, I agree. Kylee and I were talking just today how it sucked last year but at the same time how we all survived and it doesn't seem like such a big deal now. We need to plan something and get together soon. I miss you all!!
Kim S.